Gallya Ornamented Font © 1995

This font is similar to Gallia, Galleria, Gallery or Calais Laser. The big difference between Gallya Ornamented and these other fonts is that Gallya Ornamented has lower case letters designed specifically for the Gallya Ornamented font. All of these other fonts have either Capitol letters or small caps as lower case characters. There are also other extended characters that are designed specifically for the Gallya Ornamented font.

Horizontal Rainbow Line

Select this Link to view Gallya Ornamented characters 32 to 126
in HTML format, this image is (13,357 Bytes).

Select this Link to view Gallya Ornamented characters 131 to 255
in HTML format, this image is (15,378 Bytes).

Select this Link to view Gallya Ornamented font comparason to other similar font - Characters 33 to 126
in HTML format, this image is (28,230 Bytes).

Select this Link to view Gallya Ornamented font comparason to other similar font - Characters 131 to 255
in HTML format, this image is (32,720 Bytes).

Horizontal Rainbow Line


All contents copyright 1996-00 by Dennis Palumbo
Last Revised: July 1, 2000